Postcode : SP7 8LY, Shaftesbury, Dorset

Shaftesbury, Dorset, England.

SP7 8LY close to St James, Ivy Cross, Alcester and Enmore Green.


SP7 8LY : Urbanites / Ageing urban living / Communal retirement

Local Authority North Dorset

Primary Care Trust Dorset

Ward Shaftesbury West

Constituency North Dorset

Region South West

Country England

Postcode Area SP : Salisbury

SP7 Postcode Sectors


SP7 8LY Nearby Postcode Districts

BA7 BA8 BA9 DT10 DT9 SP2 SP3 SP6 SP7 SP8

SP7 8LY Schools

Shaftesbury School
The Abbey CofE VA Primary School, Shaftesbury
Shaftesbury Church of England Primary School
Port Regis Preparatory School
St Mary's School
Motcombe CE VA Primary School

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