Postcode : CT20 3, Kent

Postcodes in the CT20 3 district. Covering areas such as Shorncliffe Camp, Morehall, Cheriton, Coolinge, Sandgate and Kent.

Postcode Area CT : Canterbury

CT20 Postcode Sectors


CT20 3 Nearby Postcode Districts

CT15 CT16 CT17 CT18 CT19 CT20 CT21 TN23 TN24 TN25 TN26 TN28 TN29

Stations near to CT20 3

Folkestone West Rail Station about 1.08 miles away.
Folkestone Central Rail Station about 1.67 miles away.

CT20 3 Schools

Cheriton Primary School
The Folkestone School for Girls
Sandgate Primary School
All Souls' Church of England Primary School
Morehall Primary School
Harcourt Primary School
Pent Valley Technology College
The Harvey Grammar School
Westbrook House Preparatory School
Folkestone Academy

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