Postcode : BL6 6SF, Horwich, Bolton, Greater Manchester

Horwich, Bolton, Greater Manchester.


BL6 6SF : Rural residents / Rural tenants / Rural white-collar workers

Local Authority Bolton

Primary Care Trust Bolton Teaching

Ward Heaton and Lostock

Constituency Bolton West

Region North West

Country England

Postcode Area BL : Bolton

BL6 Postcode Sectors

Greater Manchester

BL6 6SF Nearby Postcode Districts

BL0 BL1 BL2 BL3 BL4 BL5 BL6 BL7 BL8 BL9 L33 L39 L40 M2 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M3 M30 M35 M38 M4 M40 M43 M45 M46 M6 M60 M7 M8 M9 OL10 OL11 OL12 OL9 PR6 PR7 WN1 WN2 WN3 WN4 WN5 WN6 WN7 WN8

Stations near to BL6 6SF

Horwich Parkway Rail Station
Blackrod Rail Station about 1.64 miles away.
Lostock Rail Station about 1.72 miles away.
Westhoughton Rail Station about 1.73 miles away.
Daisy Hill Rail Station about 2.9 miles away.
Hindley Rail Station about 3.1 miles away.
Hag Fold Rail Station about 3.57 miles away.

BL6 6SF Schools

Chorley New Road Primary School
Claypool Primary School
Horwich Parish CofE Primary School
Blackrod Primary School
The Gates Primary School
Lord Street Primary School
Westhoughton Primary School
Aspull Church Primary School

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