Postcode : BD23 1UD, Stirton, North Yorkshire

Gargrave Road, Skipton.

BD23 1UD close to Stirton, Skipton and Thorlby.


BD23 1UD : Rural residents / Farming communities / Agricultural communities

Local Authority Craven

Primary Care Trust North Yorkshire and York

Ward Gargrave and Malhamdale

Constituency Skipton and Ripon

Region Yorkshire and The Humber

Country England

Postcode Area BD : Bradford

BD23 Postcode Sectors

North Yorkshire

BD23 1UD Nearby Postcode Districts

BB18 BB7 BD20 BD21 BD23 LS20 LS21 LS29

Stations near to BD23 1UD

Skipton Rail Station about 0.64 miles away.
Cononley Rail Station about 3.31 miles away.

BD23 1UD Schools

Aireville School
Skipton, Ings Community Primary and Nursery School
Skipton Girls' High School
St Stephen's Catholic Primary School, Skipton
Ermysted's Grammar School
Skipton, Water Street Community Primary School
Christ Church Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Skipton Parish Church Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Skipton, Greatwood Community Primary School
Carleton Endowed CofE Primary School

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