Postcode : YO51 9LS, Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire

Roecliffe, York, North Yorkshire.

YO51 9LS close to Boroughbridge, Roecliffe and Langthorpe.


YO51 9LS : Rural residents / Rural tenants / Rural white-collar workers

Local Authority Harrogate

Primary Care Trust North Yorkshire and York

Ward Newby

Constituency Skipton and Ripon

Region Yorkshire and The Humber

Country England

Postcode Area YO : York

YO51 Postcode Sectors

North Yorkshire

YO51 9LS Nearby Postcode Districts

HG1 HG3 HG4 HG5 YO32 YO51 YO61

YO51 9LS Schools

Roecliffe Church of England Primary School
Boroughbridge High School
Boroughbridge Primary School
Kirby Hill Church of England Primary School
Skelton Newby Hall Church of England Primary School

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