Postcode : TN26 2AF, Appledore, Kent

The Street, Appledore, Ashford.

TN26 2AF close to Appledore and Appledore Heath.


TN26 2AF : Rural residents / Rural tenants / Rural white-collar workers

Local Authority Ashford

Primary Care Trust Eastern and Coastal Kent

Ward Isle of Oxney

Constituency Ashford

Region South East

Country England

Postcode Area TN : Tonbridge

TN26 Postcode Sectors


TN26 2AF Nearby Postcode Districts

CT18 CT19 CT20 CT21 TN17 TN18 TN19 TN26 TN28 TN29 TN30 TN31 TN32

Stations near to TN26 2AF

Appledore (Kent) Rail Station about 1.22 miles away.

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