Postcode : TN21 8RA, Heathfield, East Sussex

Heathfield, East Sussex, England.

TN21 8RA close to Mutton Hall, Broad Oak, Old Heathfield and Sandy Cross.


TN21 8RA : Rural residents / Farming communities / Older farming communities

Local Authority Wealden

Primary Care Trust East Sussex Downs and Weald

Ward Heathfield North and Central

Constituency Bexhill and Battle

Region South East

Country England

Postcode Area TN : Tonbridge

TN21 Postcode Sectors

East Sussex

TN21 8RA Nearby Postcode Districts

BN7 BN8 RH16 RH17 TN18 TN19 TN20 TN21 TN22 TN32 TN33 TN35 TN5 TN6

TN21 8RA Schools

Heathfield Community College
Broad Oak Community Primary School
All Saints' and St Richard's Church of England Primary School
Parkside Community Primary School
Cross-in-Hand Church of England Primary School
Punnetts Town Community Primary School

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