Postcode : PE28 4NL, Brampton, Cambridgeshire

Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire.

PE28 4NL close to Brampton and Brampton Park.


PE28 4NL : Rural residents / Rural tenants / Rural white-collar workers

Local Authority Huntingdonshire

Primary Care Trust Cambridgeshire

Ward Brampton

Constituency Huntingdon

Region Eastern

Country England

Postcode Area PE : Peterborough

PE28 Postcode Sectors


PE28 4NL Nearby Postcode Districts

CB4 NN10 NN9 PE19 PE27 PE28 PE29

Stations near to PE28 4NL

Huntingdon Rail Station about 2 miles away.

PE28 4NL Schools

Brampton Village Primary School
Cromwell Park Primary School
Hinchingbrooke School

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