Postcode : OX5 2BP, Gosford, Oxfordshire

Oxford Road, Kidlington.

OX5 2BP close to Gosford and Kidlington.


OX5 2BP : Urbanites / Urban professionals and families / Multi-ethnic professionals with families

Local Authority Cherwell

Primary Care Trust Oxfordshire

Ward Kidlington East

Constituency Oxford West and Abingdon

Region South East

Country England

Postcode Area OX : Oxford

OX5 Postcode Sectors


OX5 2BP Nearby Postcode Districts

HP18 OX1 OX18 OX2 OX20 OX25 OX26 OX28 OX29 OX3 OX33 OX4 OX5 OX6 OX7 OX8 OX9

Stations near to OX5 2BP

Islip Rail Station about 2.14 miles away.

OX5 2BP Schools

North Kidlington Primary School
West Kidlington Primary and Nursery School
St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, Kidlington
Gosford Hill School
Edward Feild Primary School
William Fletcher Primary School

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