Postcode : LN9 6NF, Horncastle, Lincolnshire

Horncastle, Lincolnshire.


LN9 6NF : Constrained city dwellers / Ageing city dwellers / Ageing communities and families

Local Authority East Lindsey

Primary Care Trust Lincolnshire Teaching

Ward Horncastle

Constituency Louth and Horncastle

Region East Midlands

Country England

Postcode Area LN : Lincoln

LN9 Postcode Sectors


LN9 6NF Nearby Postcode Districts

LN10 LN13 LN2 LN3 LN4 LN9 PE23 PE24

LN9 6NF Schools

The Banovallum School, Horncastle
Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Horncastle
Horncastle Community Primary School

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