Postcode : KY1 1ET, Anstruther Easter, Fife

Saint Brycedale Avenue, Kirkcaldy, Fife.

KY1 1ET close to St Andrews, Kirkcaldy, Port Brae, Linktown and Pathhead.


KY1 1ET : Constrained city dwellers / Ageing city dwellers / Retired independent city dwellers

Local Authority Fife

Primary Care Trust Kirkcaldy and Levenmouth Community Health Partnership

Ward Kirkcaldy Central

Constituency Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath

Region Scotland

Country Scotland

Postcode Area KY : Kirkcaldy

KY1 Postcode Sectors


KY1 1ET Nearby Postcode Districts

EH31 KY1 KY11 KY12 KY13 KY2 KY3 KY4 KY5 KY6 KY7 KY8 KY9

Stations near to KY1 1ET

Kirkcaldy Rail Station
Kinghorn Rail Station about 2.96 miles away.

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