Postcode : HG1 2SR, Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England.

HG1 2SR close to Harrogate, New Park and Oakdale.


HG1 2SR : Urbanites / Ageing urban living / Communal retirement

Local Authority Harrogate

Primary Care Trust North Yorkshire and York

Ward Harlow Moor

Constituency Harrogate and Knaresborough

Region Yorkshire and The Humber

Country England

Postcode Area HG : Harrogate

HG1 Postcode Sectors

North Yorkshire

HG1 2SR Nearby Postcode Districts

BD20 HG1 HG2 HG3 HG5 LS21 LS22 LS23 LS29 YO26 YO51

Stations near to HG1 2SR

Harrogate Rail Station about 0.45 miles away.
Hornbeam Park Rail Station about 1.38 miles away.
Starbeck Rail Station about 1.91 miles away.
Pannal Rail Station about 2.64 miles away.

HG1 2SR Schools

Harrogate, Coppice Valley Community Primary School
Harrogate, Bilton Grange Community Primary School
Harrogate Grammar School
Saltergate Community Junior School
Saltergate Infant School
Woodfield Primary School
Harrogate High School
Rossett Acre Primary School
Oatlands Community Junior School
Rossett School
Willow Tree Community Primary School

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